Birdsgate Publishing took The Brantford Wagers on tour! The fun started April 11 and lasted five days, thanks to the hard work and planning of The Coffee Pot Book Club and the participation of 19 blogging teams.

Kudos to Mary Anne Yarde and Ellie Yarde for setting up the tour and getting word out to the reading community. Many thanks to the blogging community members who host tour stops and offer their networks to help promote author works and connect readers to novels that suit their interests. What a great service these dedicated bloggers provide, many of whom are themselves authors, in helping both writers and readers navigate the big world of publishing. You will find excerpts on my novel posted on the different sites.

Many thanks to these folks for their efforts and their support in sharing news and perspectives on the latest publications. If you would enjoy visiting some members of publishing’s blogging community, simply click on the links.


April 11th
April 12th
April 13th
April 14th
April 15th